Is it ok to pour water on the sauna stones?

Yes, it is. Just make sure the stones are hot before pouring water on them.

What kind of sauna stones should be used?

There are several different stone types. We recommend olivine diabase or vulcanite stones. Small stones 5-10cm are good for electrical saun aheaters, and the 10-15cm stones are good for wood-burning sauna stoves.

How often should the stones be changed?

It really depends on the usage. If sauna is used 1-2 times per week, it would be good to change them once a year. Try picking up two stones and knock them on each other; if they crack, they should definitely be replaced.

Can I install an electrical sauna heater by myself?

The connection of an electrical sauna heater must be done by an qualified electrician.

Should electrical sauna heaters be connected to RCD?

According standard 60364-7-703 (Electrical installations of buildings) part 703.412.5, the sauna heater shall not be connected via residual current protective device (RCDs). Only a certified electrician is allowed to connect your electrical sauna heater.

Can the sauna control unit be inside the sauna?

Narvi N2014 and NArvi Basic controllers can be inside the sauna. Rest of the models could also be placed there, but operating with moist fingers would not be that smooth.

Where should the thermostat be placed?

THermostath should be place in the hottest part of the room. Our instructions say it should be 10cm down from the ceiling, above the heater.

Are your heaters really made in Finland?

Yes :)

Why does the control unit show different temperature than my thermometer on the wall?

Controller shows the temperature of the area where the thermostat is place. It is most likely hotter above the heater than in the other parts of the sauna. For safety reasons, the thermostat must monitor the hottest part of the sauna.

Can I just buy a wood-burning sauna stove and start bathing?

You will at least need a smoke flue/chimney, and most likely other installation accessories as well.

What wood can be burnt in the sauna stoves?

Any dry wood. We recommend birch, but any cleand and dry wood will do. Do not burn trash in the sauna stove.

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