Narvi Steam Master

Please ask for the availability of Narvi Steam Master from your local partner, as it is a limited model

The stylish Steam Master is the perfect choice to create an authentic sauna atmosphere. The heat-storing system and the stone compartment cover, with an original design from Narvi will guarantee you the soft oxygen-rich steam. The cover is meant for storing heat is kept closed during heating, as a result of which heat accumulates efficiently in a large stone compartment and does not dry the air of the sauna. Narvi Steam Master heats up and is steam-ready in 1–1,5 hours.

The enameled steel cover is beautiful, durable, and easily maintainable. The cover of the fireplace and pipes are made of extra-strong steel. Installation is simple thanks to the adjustable legs of the sauna heater.

The stylish Narvi Steam Master is now also available in tunnel version Narvi Steam Master WT. You can enjoy the blaze of the fire through the large glass door during your sauna experience. As an option the door of the sauna heater can be provided with a decorative frame.

Technical info

Narvi Steam Master
Sauna room size10–25 m³
Height100 cm
Adjustment ±1,5 cm
Width47 cm
Depth52 cm
Product weight115 kg
Stone capacity100 kg
Flue outlet diameter119 mm
Flue outlet height from floor78,5 cm
Fireplace ceiling thickness10 mm
Safety distances
Sides25 cm
Front50 cm
Up130 cm
Rear25 cm



Narvi Steam Master FI
Narvi Steam Master GB
Narvi Steam Master DE
Narvi Steam Master SE
Narvi Steam Master RU


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