Kaareva suojaseinä
Musta suojaseinä kaareva
Kaarevat mustat suojaseinät
Kaareva suojaseinä mitat
Kaarevat suojaseinät saunaan
Suojaseinän kiinnikkeet

Protective wall Curved

The black bent protective wall looks good and makes it possible to install round-shaped sauna stoves easier. Each wall section has adjustable legs and several safety walls can be connected to each other.

This is a great way of saving space and gives you more opportunities to place the sauna heater to the desired spot. By using safety walls, protective distances can decrease by 50 %.

The safety walls can be used with sauna stoves and small-sized fireplaces.


Technical info

Protective wall Curved
Diameter70 cm
Height120 cm



Safety wall bended FI, GB, SE

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